Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How to get rid of That double chin!

Sometimes we tend to carry extra chin baggage, so before we end up having 3 chins I decided to look for some chin exercises. Here is 2 exercises I tried for myself and I can actually feel it burning!

1.With your head upright and not bent, pretend to chew on something with some exaggeration, opening and closing your mouth bigger than usual. You will feel almost no strain on the muscles under your chin. Now, tilt your head up slightly, like you were a sign way above, and do the same exaggerated chewing. You will feel your chin's under muscles strain. Keep chewing for ten seconds. For extra strain, tilt your head up a little more and slow down the chewing. Thrice a day, do this.

2. Do a neck rotation. With your head upright, tilt it back and do a windmill motion with your head from one side until the circle completes. Notice that the arc of the circle when your head is tilted backwards strains the neck muscles. Do that arc and that arc only, for ten seconds. Do this three times everyday.


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